Jan 14, 2009

True Friend

We all have friends. A lot gets talked about friendships. Everyone wants a true friend, and many of us believe that we have a friend who can be called a true friend. What kind of relations do friends share?

When can we call a friend a true friend, and when can our friends take us as their true friend. After a closed relationship, friendships are the most important relationships we can have. Though all of us have family, most of us rely on friends for advice, comfort and inspiration. How do we define a relation that can be called as one of true friendship?

For me, I found myself the only true friend, and he is myself..


  1. I'm agree with u,wayne san.. anyway, i will pray for you..pray for you will getting one true friend sooner..

  2. must be getting sick from my side -.-"


  3. Ah Lee: i found one d ma as per the blog post

    KP: no la.. these days lacked of sleeping hours and caused my inner body part too hot.. then now is time to explore lo
